I'm from Omaha, Pawnee, French Heritage, Community Advocate, Reiki student, Pipe carrier.
Joseph White Eagle:
They ask how the Native American lives with such harmony, respect and honor for the sacred land, water and sky. When you have Star teachers who bless us with their knowledge, guidance and a higher evolution than we learn the laws of the Great Mystery.
The Great Spirit blessed our people with lifeforms who through learning through their own mistakes shared their higher spiritual evolution so we may live in harmony not only with Mother Earth but with all the Star Nations.
Our way of life has always been guided by the Stars and the spirits that dwell there, our beliefs and ways have withstood the test of time and they become more powerful in the hearts of all people.
With all this sacred knowledge given to our Ancestors we were given the honor to be caretakers of Mother Earth and all life that lived with us.
There will be a time where we will have to live in this sacred way again to save ourselves.